I love these pictures for their clean backgrounds and brightness - this kind of look wouldn't always work, but these are rather mesmerizing.
In other news, B.'s mom came up from Ohio for a few days, and since it was the first time that she'd seen the house, we were crazy busy last week trying to get everything together. It was a fun weekend - we went thrifting, showed her around the area, went for a hike, and had loads of good food!
How was everyone elses' weekend?
Pics: Rich Magazine
oh god, i love the pull!
do you know where it´s from?!
^^ Do you mean the editorial, or the pullover in the 2nd pic?
We celebrated my birthday 2 months late with extended family :D
I like the look in black, but I can't get into clothing with eyes on them. Faces are ok, but just eyes throws me off, for some reason.
I agree I can't take my eyes off these pictures!!! So amazing!
love the first shot. just beautiful, simple, and elegant.
and glad you had a nice weekend. mine was pretty good, and i wish the next one was hear already!
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