Ooohhh love the colors of these images... and the tea cups tied to the wrapped packages... I'm going to be searching long and hard to come up with an excuse to use this idea!
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Love that plum colour in the last few pics!!!! So gorgeous!
such pretty home inspiration :) the rich colours in the third one is gorgeous
Ooohhh love the colors of these images... and the tea cups tied to the wrapped packages... I'm going to be searching long and hard to come up with an excuse to use this idea!
adore the pictures! the saturated colors are amazing!
The tea cups tied to packages...are amazing!
I love the teacups on the presents!!!!!
I love teacups and birdcages <3
omylord. each and every image is just GLORIOUS!!!!
Ah! These are all so fantastic. You're right... it's all in the little details.
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