Gorgeous clothing + desert summer sun + a slightly hazy look = won.der.ful.
P.S. - Does anyone know what kind of a filter to get for a digital SLR that creates that sort of yellowed/vintage feel to photos? I've looked online at a lot of filters, but haven't been able to find one.
P.P.S. - Quick update on my spending: So far we've been able to keep grocery + takeout spending to $90/week, and I've not once since that post headed to UO or Jcrew, etc., to do any "spur of the moment" shopping.
Pics: Fashion Canvas
You'd probably be better off using a photoshop action for the look you're wanting. I've found lots of great actions just by "googling" the type of result I want. OOOOOR, you could over expose them a little and use a yellow tinted colored gel. I've never tried that, but it sounds like it would work...maybe?
These photo's look like they were taken in my home state- Utah! So lovely. Congrats on staying within your spending goals. I'm working on that too right now.
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