How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.... My new Jeffrey Campbell "Daisy-D" Platforms from Plum for Polly. Picture taken/edited on Instagram, for iPhone.
Oooooo those ARE cute! I haven't actually seen that style before.
Have you seen the shoe I collaborated with Jeffrey Campbell to design? It just came out on Tuesday. I'm so excited about it. Check out the "Nicky Says"!
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Cute! Can't wait to see how you style them.
dying over these! you have single-handedly convinced me that a pair of jeffrey campbell wedges are a necessary addition to my wardrobe. :)
Oooooo those ARE cute! I haven't actually seen that style before.
Have you seen the shoe I collaborated with Jeffrey Campbell to design? It just came out on Tuesday. I'm so excited about it. Check out the "Nicky Says"!
^^ Those are SO cool! If you can't tell, I'm a huge fan of chunky wooden sole!
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