Monday, July 18, 2011

Gone . Missing

This past Friday morning we headed up to Petoskey for the weekend. My aunt & uncle have a positively lovely condo that overlooks the waterfront. We planned on going to Art in the Park, and then just hanging about. We did all of this, except I was also hit by the absolute worst allergy attack ever. Big frowny face.

In between sneezing fits and congestion that felt as though someone had wrapped a wet towel around my head, we did manage to sneak in a handful of super fun things: a yummy dinner of homemade Florentine Lasagna, traipsing through some of the local art galleries, one of which yielded this 30" x 38" framed watercolor for only $25!!, and lots of wandering down by the breakwater, beach, and marina.

While I certainly could have done without the allergies, it was overall a very lovely weekend!


Monique said...

lovely photo and glad you had a wonderful weekend in spite of the allergies.

Secondhand Stella said...

Boo to allergies :(

Aunt Kathy said...

So happy to have you - hopefully, next time you will feel better!