Friday, November 20, 2009

Poor . Miss . Moss

Kate Moss has gone and gotten herself into a pinch of a situation by telling WWD that one of her mottoes is, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” Of course, she followed that up with, "You try and remember, but it never works," though I'm not sure that takes much of the sting out.

Certainly you can't please everyone all of the time, but I feel like Kate is getting the short end of the stick here. And before you get all "jumping down my throat," here's why I think that Miss Moss deserves a bit of a reprieve for her, "I maybe shouldn't have said that out loud AND to a journalist" moment:

1. Kate Moss is not a normal person. She gets paid MILLIONS of dollars to fit into teeny tiny clothes.

2. If Kate Moss had said, "Everyone should be happy with themselves, and weight doesn't matter," no one would believe her. Stories would crop up with things like, "That's easy to say when you're as skinny as she is."

3. When Kate Moss DID gain a smidge of weight...

... there were only two kinds of stories about her: "Kate Moss is getting heavier," and "Kate Moss is getting heavier so she must be pregnant."

She can't seem to win either way.

In a perfect world everyone would say things like, "I wish I were healthier," instead of, "I wish I were skinnier." But I'm not sure it's Kate Moss's fault that it isn't that way.


Blicious said...

great post!!! i love her and i think you're right, they will pick anything she says apart. oh well.

BCoozie said...

I agree with you. A friend told me that was also weight watchers slogan. She is right, and it IS true.

Farfallina said...

I must say I love those photos were she seems to be a little bit more of a woman... ;)

TheBeautyFile said...

I love Kate. I think there is no one like her, and there will never ever be anyone like her....

So, I need to enlist your help. I am looking to create a world wide hair stylist guide to post as a permanent fixture on my blog. I know you're in the "know" so I thought you could come on over and contribute any info you have....also if you'd like to spread the word to anyone with a passion for beauty/hair, I would really appreciate it! Here's the link:

Unknown said...

Yes. The hoopla over this confused me. (1) how is this news? Kate Moss is skinny. Uhmmm yes? (2) Blaming Kate Moss for anorexia is such a jip. There's an entire industry behind her dimunitve shoulders (3) unrelated - I tried on that frilly dress in the pic in Top Shop. Unfortch I don't have Kate's body therefore it didn't look like that on me - and guess what - I'm ok with that!

Sarah M said...

I actually loved her more for that quote. She's just being real and herself. She is skinny as a rail, but she's an icon. I look to her for fashion, not health.. and girls need to put that in perspective. Great post!

Dina's Days said...

Hey, that's her personal preference. No one jumps down the throats of curvy celebs when they embrace their curviness. It's the same exact thing.

tee said...

Great post. I felt (and still feel) the same way when I first heard that quote. I'm not surprised that after that quote everyone looked at her and was all "you would say something like that, anorexic b*tch!" When in reality, she's dead on. What she said is more or less what I try to remember to stay on track. In a healthy way of course.

In summary, people need to stop hatin'. :P

sisters in black frocks said...

all good points. either way she's hot =)

Anonymous said...

I liked it so much I put it on my refrigerator AND my monitor at work....