I always prefer the challenge of recreating great fashion looks on the cheap to going into debt just because there's a specific label on something. Shopping vintage and consignment definitely helps with that, ha!
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I do love this look, but its 90 degrees in Boston today... I can't look at fur collars or tweed!
LOL...debt is definitely not fashionable! Luv the effortless classic style! XO*
lol ...so great!
Oh yeah...livin' the debt to be a fashionista! Love the style.
hahahahaha those are some real wise words in there!
I always prefer the challenge of recreating great fashion looks on the cheap to going into debt just because there's a specific label on something. Shopping vintage and consignment definitely helps with that, ha!
It looks like an entire fox is wrapped around her neck. Not sure I'm sold.
i love this look, i live in FL. I would melt to death in this outfit
haha i agree!
ALTHOUGH not always the debt - i got a purse exactly like this on etsy this week. its a little loved but a fabulous deal!
damn all these fashionistas and their fancy duds! oh well. i make do with my budget. :)
Ha! This text is priceless.
Haha this is such a funny post!
love the blazer... adorable.
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